Universal credit budgeting advances
Budgeting advances of universal credit (UC) are extra amounts of UC to help you with certain expenses – eg, buying essential household items, or paying for necessary home maintenance. Budgeting advances must be repaid, usually by deductions from future UC payments. The minimum amount of advance is £100. The maximum is £348 if you are single and not responsible for a child, £464 if you are a couple and not responsible for a child or £812 if you are responsible for a child (whether you are single or in a couple).
You can ask for a budgeting advance for whatever you need, but if you are refused you cannot appeal. To qualify:1Regs 12-15 The Social Security (Payments on Account of Benefit) Regulations 2013 No.383 •you must usually have been getting UC (or a ‘legacy benefit’ – see here) for at least six months; and •your earnings from work must be below a specified level (£2,600 in the previous six months if you are single, or £3,600 if you are in a couple); and
•your savings must be below a specified level (£1,000 plus the maximum amount of advance you are entitled to); and
•you must not have any outstanding budgeting advance still to repay; and
•the DWP must be satisfied that you can repay an advance.