Housing benefit and council tax reduction
If your child becomes looked after and accommodated, your applicable amount (the figure used to calculate how much housing benefit (HB)/council tax reduction (CTR) you get) no longer includes amounts (personal allowance and premiums) for the child.1HB Reg 21(4)(a) HB Regs; reg 21(4)(a) HB(SPC) Regs
CTR Reg 7(8) CTR(S) Regs; reg 11(3)(a) CTR(SPC)(S) Regs See Chapter 1 for more about how HB/CTR is calculated. Your entitlement to the allowance and premiums stops as soon as your child is looked after and accommodated. If you are on IS, income-based JSA, income-related ESA or the guarantee credit of PC, you are ‘passported’ to maximum HB/CTR. However, your HB may still be reduced because of the number of bedrooms you are deemed to require (the ‘size criteria’). This means that if your HB is calculated using the local housing allowance rules (see here), it may be affected if the child no longer counts as occupying the home and as a result you need fewer bedrooms.2Reg 13D HB Regs; reg 13D HB(SPC) Regs If you are under pension age and living in the social rented sector and your child no longer counts as occupying the home, you may be deemed to need fewer bedrooms and be subject to the ‘under-occupation penalty’ (bedroom tax).3Reg B13 HB Regs It may be possible to argue that, even though the child is not part of your ‘household’ for HB, they should still count as an ‘occupier’ and still be included in the size criteria – eg, if they are not likely to be away indefinitely.4Reg B13(5) HB Regs and reg 13D(12) HB(SPC) Regs define ‘occupier’ as a person whom the relevant authority is satisfied occupies the claimant’s dwelling as their home Seek further advice if you are in this situation. Your income may reduce (eg, because CTC has stopped) and this also affects the amount of HB/CTR to which you are entitled, unless you are already getting the maximum amount of HB/CTR.
If you are struggling to pay your rent because of changes to your HB entitlement, apply for a discretionary housing payment (see here). Tell the HB/CTR office immediately if your child is looked after and accommodated. Also inform the local authority when your CTC stops. This is because CTC counts as income for HB/CTR, so if you are no longer getting it, you may be entitled to more HB/CTR.
Note: if the only reason you are exempt from the benefit cap (see here) is because a child for whom you are responsible is entitled to CDP, ADP or PIP, this exemption ends if they no longer count as part of your household.5Regs 75A and 75F HB Regs