Housing benefit and council tax reduction
If your housing benefit (HB) or council tax reduction (CTR) amount has changed because the carer premium stopped (eight weeks after CA/CSP stopped), tell the local authority when your CA/CSP starts again. If your HB/CTR amount has changed because the disability and/or enhanced disability premium stopped (when the CDP care component or ADP/PIP daily living component stopped), tell the local authority when your child’s CDP care component or ADP/PIP daily living component starts again.
If your child has stopped being treated as part of your household, tell the local authority as soon as they come home and ask it to include the appropriate amounts in your HB/CTR applicable amount and to apply the correct ‘size criteria’.
If you have lost entitlement to HB because of reduced amounts in your applicable amount or for some other reason and you are under pension age, you will usually have to claim UC instead.