Key facts
•Carer support payment (CSP) is paid for people in Scotland with ‘regular and substantial’ caring responsiblities for a disabled person.
•CSP has replaced carer’s allowance (CA) for new claims in some areas. From autumn 2024, it will replace CA for all new claims in Scotland.
•A young carer grant is an annual payment for young people in Scotland aged 16 to 18 who care, or have been caring, for one or more disabled people.
•CA supplement is paid twice a year if you live in Scotland and get CA or CSP.
•None of these payments are means tested.
•You can qualify for these payments whether you are in or out of work, but CSP has an earnings limit.
•You do not need to have paid national insurance contributions to qualify.
•These payments are administered and paid by Social Security Scotland.
•If you disagree with a determination about CSP or a young carer grant you can request a redetermination and then appeal against it (see
Chapter 80).