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3. When your child comes home
When your child comes home from a care home, any benefits/tax credits that were affected should start to be paid as normal again. This section covers the benefits/tax credits that are most likely to have been affected.
Child benefit
Child benefit is only likely to have stopped if your child was in the care home for a prolonged period and you did not continue to spend money on their behalf (see here). If this has happened, you have to reclaim child benefit once your child returns home. See Chapter 2 for details of how to do this.
Universal credit
If you have stopped getting the child element in your universal credit (UC), either because your child counts as ‘looked after’ by the local authority or because they have been away from home for more than six months, tell the DWP as soon as your child comes home so the child element is included again and your work allowance and childcare element can be adjusted, if relevant. If the carer element has stopped, tell the DWP as soon as you have ‘regular and substantial’ caring responsibilities for your child again (see here).
Income support and income-based jobseeker’s allowance
If you are still getting amounts in your income support (IS) or income-based jobseeker’s allowance (JSA) for your child, but the amount of IS/income-based JSA has changed because the disabled child premium and/or the enhanced disability premium stopped, tell the DWP when your child comes home and child disability payment (CDP)/disability living allowance (DLA)/adult disability payment (ADP)/personal independence payment (PIP) payments start again.
If you were getting amounts in your IS/income-based JSA for your child and these have stopped altogether, you cannot get these amounts back when your child comes home unless you have continued to get amounts for another child in your IS/income-based JSA.
If you were getting a carer premium and this has stopped because carer’s allowance (CA) has stopped, tell the DWP when your CA starts again. If you lost entitlement to benefit (eg, IS) because you lost the carer premium or for some other reason, you will have to claim UC instead.
Housing benefit and council tax reduction
If your housing benefit (HB) or council tax reduction (CTR) amount has changed because the carer premium stopped (eight weeks after CA stopped), tell the local authority when your CA starts again. If your HB/CTR amount has changed because the disability and/or enhanced disability premium stopped (when the CDP/DLA care component or ADP/PIP daily living component stopped), tell the local authority when your child’s CDP/DLA care component or ADP/PIP daily living component starts again.
If your child has stopped being treated as part of your household, tell the local authority as soon as they come home and ask it to include the appropriate amounts in your HB/CTR applicable amount and to apply the correct ‘size criteria’.
If you have lost entitlement to HB because of reduced amounts in your applicable amount or for some other reason and you are under pension age, you will usually have to claim UC instead.
Disability benefits
If payment of CDP or DLA care component or ADP or DLA daily living component has stopped because your child was in a care home, it should be reinstated when they come home. You do not have to reclaim CDP/DLA/ADP/PIP, but you must tell Social Security Scotland or the Disability Benefit Centre (see Appendix 1) that your child has come home.
Carer’s allowance
If your CA has stopped, either because your child’s CDP/DLA care component or ADP/PIP daily living component has stopped being paid, or because you have had a break from caring, you have to reclaim CA once you are entitled again (see Chapter 2).
Carer element, carer premium and carer addition
Once you are entitled to CA again, your carer element, carer premium or carer addition in any means-tested benefit should also be reinstated. Make sure you tell the DWP and/or local authority when you become entitled to CA again.
Tax credits
If your child tax credit has been affected because you lost the disabled child and/or severely disabled child element, tell HM Revenue and Customs as soon as your child comes home and their CDP/DLA care component or ADP/PIP daily living component is reinstated. If you have lost entitlement to tax credits altogether, you will have to claim UC instead.