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Using local authority payments to pay your carer
If you get payments from the local authority and give some or all of the money to a person who is caring for you, there are special rules about how that money is treated. These rules affect your carer’s benefits.
If you give some or all of the payment to another person, the payment is ignored when that person’s income support, income-based jobseeker’s allowance, income-related employment and support allowance, housing benefit and council tax reduction are calculated, provided:1IS Sch 9 para 28(2) IS Regs
JSA Sch 7 para 29(2) JSA Regs
ESA Sch 8 para 30 ESA Regs
HB Sch 5 para 28A(1) HB Regs; reg 29 HB(SPC) Regs
CTR Sch 4 para 33 CTR(S) Regs; reg 27(1) CTR(SPC)(S) Regs
    you live with that person; and
    that person previously looked after you; and
    you are aged 18 or over.
If you are in continuing care (see here) and you are 16 or over, this rule also applies to your carer.
If your carer is on universal credit, payment made by the local authority which you pass on to her/him is ignored.2Reg 66 UC Regs
1     IS Sch 9 para 28(2) IS Regs
JSA Sch 7 para 29(2) JSA Regs
ESA Sch 8 para 30 ESA Regs
HB Sch 5 para 28A(1) HB Regs; reg 29 HB(SPC) Regs
CTR Sch 4 para 33 CTR(S) Regs; reg 27(1) CTR(SPC)(S) Regs »
2     Reg 66 UC Regs »