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Health benefits
There are fixed charges for some NHS items and services. Care leavers who are receiving financial support from the local authority under section 29 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 (see here) are exempt from these charges.1Regs 3-5 NHS(TERC)(S) Regs
Charges covered are for:
    dental treatment;
    glasses/contact lenses (a voucher is issued to cover the cost of the glasses/lenses you require – this may not cover the cost of those you choose to buy);
    travel to hospital for treatment.
Complete Form HC1(SC) to apply. You should then get an HC2 certificate showing you are exempt from charges. This lasts up to your 18th birthday or for one year, whichever is longest. If you are still entitled when the certificate runs out (ie, because you are still under 18 and still being supported by the local authority), make a new claim.
If you are a care leaver who does not receive regular financial support from the local authority, you may also be entitled to help with NHS fixed charges if you are on a qualifying benefit, such as universal credit (UC) (with earnings below a specified level) or on the grounds of low income (see Chapter 1).
1     Regs 3-5 NHS(TERC)(S) Regs »