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Disability living allowance and personal independence payment
Provided your child is under 18 on the day s/he enters hospital as an inpatient, disability living allowance (DLA) (both components) or personal independence payment (PIP) (both components) continue to be paid regardless of how long s/he remains in hospital. DLA (or PIP if 16 or over) can be awarded and paid after a child aged under 18 has gone into hospital.1DLA Regs 8 and 12A SS(DLA) Regs
PIP Reg 29 SS(PIP) Regs
It is expected that DLA for children will start to be replaced in Scotland from 2021 by child disability payment (see here). Child disability payment will continue to be paid while your child is in hospital.
1     DLA Regs 8 and 12A SS(DLA) Regs
PIP Reg 29 SS(PIP) Regs »