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Pension credit
If you are entitled to CA and it stops, the carer addition (part of your pension credit (PC)) stops eight weeks after your entitlement to CA stops (see here).1Sch 1 para 4(3) SPC Regs Some PC claimants who are responsible for a child or qualifying young person get an additional amount for her/him in their PC (instead of getting CTC). If you get a PC additional amount for a child and s/he goes into hospital, the additional amount continues during a temporary period in hospital which is unlikely to last for more than 52 weeks, or unlikely to last for substantially more than 52 weeks.2Sch 2A para 6 SPC Regs
1     Sch 1 para 4(3) SPC Regs »
2     Sch 2A para 6 SPC Regs »