Welfare Rights Bulletin
Description: A reflection on litigating for impact at CPAG
Claire Hall considers the role of test cases and discusses some areas of interest.
Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 300 (June 2024)
Description: LCWRA and migration to UC
When a claimant with limited capability for work-related activity migrates from the legacy benefit system to universal credit (UC), how is that reflected in the UC award? Simon Osborne reviews the situation.
Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 300 (June 2024)
Description: National insurance credits for limited capability for work
While getting national insurance (NI) credits for LCW is important for future entitlement to contribution-based benefits, such as state pension, entitlement can also help with getting UC, or extra amounts of UC, quicker than would otherwise be the case. Henri Krishna looks at when someone should get these NI credits, how they are claimed, and some of the advantages of getting them.
Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 300 (June 2024)
Description: Tax credits and mandatory reconsideration
Mark Willis considers the implications of a court decision that strikes out mandatory reconsideration rules in tax credits.
Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 299 (April 2024)
Poverty Journal
Description: Challenging the sibling tax
The two-child limit is now firmly on the agenda in this election year. The End Child Poverty coalition coordinates the All Kids Count campaign calling for its abolition. How is the policy affecting families? Why is ending it such a priority? And what pressure can be put on political parties to commit to abolishing it if they form the next UK government?
Poverty Journal, Issue 178 (June 2024)
Description: Seven years in Scotland
A new first minister has just taken office in Scotland. Like his predecessor, he has said that his first policy priority will be eradicating child poverty. What progress on child poverty has already been made in Scotland? What lessons can be learned? And what more needs to be done?
Poverty Journal, Issue 178 (June 2024)
Description: The Child Poverty Strategy for Wales: a missed opportunity?
In January 2024, the Welsh government published its much-anticipated new Child Poverty Strategy for Wales. Does the new strategy do enough for children in Wales? What does the strategy include? And crucially, what is left out?
Poverty Journal, Issue 178 (June 2024)
Description: Building ‘cash first’ momentum while breaking the food bank paradox from...
As food bank use continues to soar to unprecedented levels, the Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN) wants to see the UK without the need for charitable food aid, where adequate and nutritious food is affordable to all. Why is a ‘cash first’ approach the way forward?
Poverty Journal, Issue 177 (February 2024)