Add search termRemove termCount: 21 – 30 of 434 results12345678910Previous | Next UC: claims and defectsBecoming entitled to universal credit (UC) (including on migration to UC) requires the making of a valid claim. What does it mean to make a valid claim for UC? Can a claim be defective? Could that lead to ‘claim closure?’ Simon Osborne reviews the law and practice.Publication:Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 299 (April 2024) ‘Cross-examined’? How the tribunal asks questionsCarri Swann considers recent caselaw on how appellants should be questioned in the First-tier Tribunal.Publication:Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 299 (April 2024) Right to reside after ATMartin Williams looks at the advice implications of the Supreme Court’s refusal to grant the Secretary of State permission to appeal against the Court of Appeal judgment in AT.Publication:Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 299 (April 2024) DWP’s Targeted Case ReviewThe DWP will, as part of its anti-fraud plan, carry out a large-scale review of universal credit cases. Owen Stevens examines the Targeted Case Review.Publication:Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 298 (February 2024) Ever increasing: conditionality and sanctionsWill Hadwen looks at planned changes to conditionality and sanctions in the universal credit (UC) system.Publication:Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 298 (February 2024) Extra! Extra! Transitional SDP element additionsHenri Krishna looks at new rules regarding the universal credit (UC) transitional SDP element.Publication:Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 298 (February 2024) PIP and diagnosisCan someone successfully claim personal independence payment (PIP) without a diagnosis? Carri Swann looks at recent caselaw and answers some frequently asked questions.Publication:Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 298 (February 2024) Refugees, UC and the DWPCPAG continues to receive reports of problems facing claimants granted immigration leave further to an asylum claim when they claim universal credit. While there has been some recent change, these reports largely reflect long-standing misunderstandings by DWP staff. Jessica Strode sets out some questions and answers.Publication:Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 298 (February 2024) A guide to dignity?Martin Williams considers the DWP’s operational guidance concerning making awards of universal credit to those with pre-settled status but without a qualifying right to reside.Publication:Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 297 (December 2023) 'Backdating' and managed migration to UCSimon Osborne considers to what extent the rules on ‘backdating’ universal credit (UC) can apply to the process of managed migration to UC.Publication:Welfare Rights Bulletin, Issue 297 (December 2023)